BIDS Researchers in Various Committees
Quazi Shahabuddin
Professorial Fellow
1. Member, Board of Governors, BARD, Comilla.
2. Member, Board of Management, BARI, Gazipur.
3. Member, Senate, Chittagong University.
4. Member, Senate, Jahangirnagar University.
5. Member, Independent Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of PRS and Attainment of MDGs in Bangladesh.
6. Member, Advisory Committee on Review of National Accounts, BBS.
7. Member, Steering Committee, Capacity Building for GED for Preparation of Development Plans, Planning Commission.
8. Member, International Program Advisory Board, Research-into-Use Program, NRI Ltd, U.K.
Rushidan Islam Rahman
Research Director
1. Executive Committee on Assessment of the Current Status of National Accounts Data, Ministry of Planning, March 2005 to date.
2. ‘General Body’ of Bangladesh Social Development Foundation, June 2005 to date.
3. Research Grant Panel of FAO, March 2007 to date.
4. Microcredit Regulatory Authority, September 2006 to date.
5. Technical Committee on Gender Statistics, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, November 2008 to date.
Bimal Kumar Saha
Senior Research Fellow
1. Member, Coordination Committee of IRD Projects, CIRDAP.
2. Member, Steering Committee, Pally Pragati Prakalpa, BRDB.
Dilip Kumar Roy
Senior Research Fellow
1. Member, WTO Working Group 4: TRIPS and TBT.
2. Member, Selection Committee for Consultants of 2nd PRSP.
3. Member, Preparatory Committee for BIMSTEC Ministerial meeting.
4. Participated in the meeting on Citizen Charter, at the Ministry of Planning.
5. Member, Core Group on Trade in Services within SAFTA framework.
Anwara Begum
Research Fellow
1. National Expert Committee Member of “Publication and Research: Expert Committee on Education”, under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education of Government of Bangladesh.
2. Member of the Technical Committee on Education Watch”, Report of Campaign For Popular Education, CAMPE.
3. Expert Committee Member for the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of CAMPE, on “Attaining the Millennium Development Goals”, for the People’s Forum (PFM) on MDGs Report, in collaboration with Campaign For Popular Education (CAMPE), Bangladesh, since 2006.
S.M. Zulfiqar Ali
Research Fellow
1. Member, Advisory Committee, Caritas Development Institute, Caritas, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Member, Board of Directors, Unnayan Shamannay, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Zaid Bakht
Research Director
1. Member, Advisory Committee for the Securities & Exchange Commission.
2. Member, Committee to Review national Income accounts, Ministry of Planning.
3. Member, Peer Review Group for Draft Industrial Policy 2008.
K M Nabiul Islam
Senior Research Fellow
1. Member, Research and Academic Committee, Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET.
2. External Examiner, Diploma, Masters and Ph. D. Degree Thesis, Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET.
3. Senate member, Jahangirnagar University.
Narayan Chandra Nath
Research Fellow
1. Member, Executive Committee of Bangladesh Economic Association for 2005-07 and 2007-09.
Salma Chaudhuri Zohir
Research Fellow
1. Member, Taskforce on The New Partnership for Development Act 2007, Ministry of Commerce, 2007.
2. Member, “Expert Group on Integrated Multi-Modal Transport Policy”, Planning Commission.
3. Member, Committee on NAMA, Ministry of Commerce.
4. Member, Committee on FTA, Ministry of Commerce.
Md. Salimullah
Research Fellow
1. Member, Major Terms and Condition Committee of Chittagong Port Authority.
Nazneen Ahmed
Research Fellow
1. Member of the committee of cross cutting issues under the Bangladesh. Quality Support Programme (BQSP) of the Ministry of Commerce.
2. Member of the committee on Non-Tariff Barriers under the WTO cell, Ministry of Commerce (2007).
3. Member, core discussion group on service trade negotiation, Ministry of Commerce (2006).
Sharifa Begum
Senior Research Fellow
1. Member, Panel of Expert, National Health Policy, 2008; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
2. Member, Executive Body, Forum for the Rights of the Elderly, Bangladesh (FRE’B) and Editor, Newsletter, FRE’B.