BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization

Khan Ahmed Sayeed Murshid

Director General

1. Tied Output-Credit Markets Have Come Untied: The Fall of Traditional Agrifood Value Chain  Finance in Asia, (with Reardon et al), for IFPRI-University of Wisconsin and ADB (forthcoming).

2. “Exploring Transition and Change in a Complex Traditional Market: The Case of the Rice Market in Bangladesh. Journal of Agrarian Change (Wiley Online reference:  doi: 10.1111/joac.12083, August 2014); hardcopy of journal in press.

3.  “Food quality changes and implications: Evidence from the rice value chain of Bangladesh - Quality in the rice value chain”,  in World Development, 42(1);100-113, February, 2013 (with Minten B. and Reardon, T.)

4. Bangladesh Food Market Performance: Instability, Intergration and Institutions, Research Monograph 23, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka, 2013 (Lead author)

5. Book Review of: Economic Crises and the Breakdown of Authoritarian Regimes, Indonesia and Malaysia in Comparative Perspective, T.B. Pepinsky, Cambridge University Press (2009) in The Journal of Asian Economics, volume 23, issue 6, December 2012

6. “Transit and Transshipment – Strategic Considerations for Bangladesh and India”, Economic and Political Weekly, April 23, 2011 Vol. XLVI NO 17.

7. The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Bangladesh, BIDS-PRP Working Paper no. 1, BIDS Policy Resource Programme (March 2010)

8. Food Availability, Consumption Patterns and Setting Up of Nutritional Standards in Bangladesh, Dhaka, World Food Programme, 2008

9.    International Financial Institutions’ Use of Aid Conditionality: The Case of Bangladesh, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo (November 2006)

10.    Rural Credit and Poverty in Cambodia, in Ballard et al (edited) Poverty and Livelihoods in the Tonle Sap, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2007, CDRI

11. Rural-Urban and Cross-border Migration from the Tonle Sap – Implications for Poverty, in Ballard et al (edited) Poverty and Livelihoods in the Tonle Sap, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2007

Agriculture and Rural Development Division

Md. Asaduzzaman

Professorial Fellow

1. A Ship Adrift: Governance And Development in Bangladesh, Nurul Islam and M. Asaduzzaman (eds.), Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka, July 2008.

2. “Power to the People: Reform and Governance of the Electricity Sector of Bangladesh,” under

publication in the Proceedings of the Governance Seminar held in Dhaka, November 2006. 

Rushidan Islam Rahman

Research Director

1. “Inequality in Access to Education and its Impact on the Labour Market: A Vicious Cycle” in Q.

Shahabuddin and R. I. Rahman (eds.) Development Prospects of Bangladesh: Recent Experience and Emerging Challenges, Special Volume for Golden Jubilee of BIDS (forthcoming).

2. “Recent Situation of Unemployment and Underemployment in Bangladesh,” Bangladesh

Unnayan Shamikkhya, 2008.

3. Labour Market in Bangladesh: Changes, Inequities and Challenges, Research Monograph 21, BIDS, 2007.

4. Bangladesh in Next Five Years: Inequality in Education and Quality Education for All (in Bengali), edited volume, BIDS, Dhaka, 2007.

5. “Unemployment and Underemployment in Bangladesh,” SAARC Journal of Human Resource  Development, Volume 2, Number 1, 2006.

6. “Bangladesh: Linkages among Economic Growth, Employment and Poverty,” in R. Islam (ed.)

Fighting Poverty. The Development-Employment Link, Lyne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, London, 2006 (co-author).

7. “Small Enterprise Development Project in Bangladesh,” in N. Islam (ed.) Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia. Challenges and opportunities for Microenterprises and Public Employment Schemes, The Howorth Press Inc., New York, 2006.

Dr. Kazi Ali Toufique

Research Director

1. An independent evaluation of most significant changes case studies of the ANEP in Jahan KM, Orko AN, Upraity V, Ali H, Devkota CK, Pokhrel VC, Shailesh G and Masud MA. 2015. Aquaculture Without Borders: Most Significant Change Stories from the Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Project in Bangladesh and Nepal. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Booklet: 2015-03.

2. “Some Thoughts on Hilsa Management And Exports”, The Bangladesh Development Studies, 38 (2), 2015 (forthcoming).

3. Analysis of Fish Consumption and Poverty in Bangladesh, BIDS-REF Study Series No. 15-01, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, 2015. Dhaka.

4. Assessing Risks from Climate Variability and Change for Disaster-Prone Zones in Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 10, Part A,  pp. 236-249, December, 2014, (with Anisul Islam).

5. Is Aquaculture Pro-Poor? Empirical Evidence of Impacts on Fish Consumption in Bangladesh, World Development, Vol. 64, pp. 609–620, 2014, (with Ben Belton).

6. Labour market transitions of young women and men in Bangladesh, International Labour Office, Youth Employment  Programme, Employment Policy Department - Geneva: ILO, 2014, Work4Youth publication series.

7. “Greening the blue revolution of small-scale freshwater aquaculture in Mymensingh, Bangladesh”, Aquaculture Research, 2014, DOI: 10.1111/are.12390, (with Nesar Ahmed).

8. Measurement of Livelihoods Vulnerability Index for the Coastal Districts of Bangladesh, BIDS-REF Study Series No. 13-02, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka, April 2013  (with Mohammad Yunus)

9. “Vulnerability of Livelihoods in the Coastal Districts of Bangladesh”, The Bangladesh Development Studies, 34 (1), Pages 95-118, 2013 (with Mohammad Yunus).

10. “Mis-targeting and Mis-using Microcredit in Livestock Development Projects in Bangladesh: Some Issues, Concerns and Lessons”, The Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2011 (with Kazi Iqbal and Monzur Hossain).

11. “Common Waters and Private Lands: Distributional Impacts of Floodplain Aquaculture in Bangladesh”, Food Policy, Volume 33, Issue 6, December 2008, Pages 587-594, (with Rick Gregory).

Bimal Kumar Saha

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Changing Pattern of Agrarian Structure and the New Framework of Land Reform in Bangladesh” (in Bengali), Bangladesh Unnayan Samikkhya, Vol. 26 (Golden Jubilee Issue), 2008.

General Economics Division

Mohammad Yunus

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Tobacco Chewing, Smoking and Health Knowledge: Evidence from Bangladesh,” Economics Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 1-9, April 2008 (co-author).

2. A Nutrition Study of Country Programme, World Food Programme, Country Office, Bangladesh, 2008 (co-author).

Monzur Hossain

Senior Research Fellow

1. Exchange Rate Regime Transition Dynamics in Southeast Asia, Journal of Developing Areas, Forthcoming, Tennessee State University, U.S.A 

2. An Assessment of Exchange Rate Policy under Floating Regime in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. XXXII, No. 4, December 2009 (with Mansur Ahmed)

3. Institutional Development and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime: A Cross-country Analysis, the Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (Elsevier; USA), Vol 23, No. 1, pp. 56-70, 2009.

4. Currency Regime Choice: A Survey of Empirical Literature, AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, Vol 8, No. 1, January 2009 

5. Divergence from De jure Currency Regime: A Stochastic Process of Learning, Applied  Economics Letters (Taylor & Francis, UK), Vol. 16, Issue 5, pp. 475-479, 2009.

6.  On the IMF Stabilization Program in Bangladesh. The Empirical Economics Letters, Volume 4, Number 4, pp. 247-260, July 2005

7.  Can Japan avert any future banking crisis? Applied Economics Letters (Taylor & Francis, UK), Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 425-429, June, 2005

8. Application of Local Influence Diagnostics to the linear logistic regression models. Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 269-278, July 2003. (with M. Ataharul Islam)

9.  Testing the significance of local influence, Journal of Statistical Research, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2002 (June), pp-85-97. (with M. Ataharul Islam)

10. Development of Non Bank Financial Institutions to Strengthen the Financial System of Bangladesh. “Bank Parikrama”- A journal of banking and finance of BIBM, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, March 2002.(with Md.  Shahiduzzaman)

Human Resources Development Division

Anwara Begum

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Education for Employment: Improving Male-female Labour Market Participation through Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Bangladesh,” BIDS Golden Jubilee, Special Issue of Bangladesh Unnayan Samikkhya, BIDS, October 2008.

2. “Housing Development: Rural and Urban,” for the Bangladesh PRSP II, paper accepted and scheduled for publication in September 2008.

3. “Poverty, Migration and Vulnerability: From the Frying Pan into the Fire,” paper reviewed by DRC, Sussex and accepted for publication under the Bangladesh Migration Report of DRC, Sussex, 2008.

4. “Gender Equality and Women Empowerment,” lecture delivered on 21 January 2008. Paper finalised for submission and accepted for publication by Atish Dipankar University (ADJUST), Dhaka, 2008.

5. “Urban Housing as an Issue of Redistribution Through Planning? The Case of Dhaka City,” Journal of Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 41, No. 4, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, U.K., August 2007.

S.M. Zulfiqar Ali

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Making Reform Work: Institutions, Dispositions and the Improving Health of Bangladesh,” World Development (with Jean-Paul Faguet), Vol. 37, No. 1, January 2009 (forthcoming) (co-author).

2. “A Tale of Two Upazilas: Local Governance and Social Development in Bangladesh,” LSE Working Paper, No. 07-82, May 2007 (co-author).

Industry and Physical Infrastructure Division

Zaid Bakht

Research Director

1. “The Poverty Impact of Rural Roads: Evidence from Bangladesh,” in Economic Development and Cultural Change, April 2009 (Forthcoming) (co-author).

2. “Competitiveness of the Knitwear Industry in Bangladesh: A Study of Industrial Development amid Global Competition,” IDE Discussion Paper No. 169, Institute of Developing Economies, Chiba, Japan, October 2008 (co-author). 

3. “Development of SME Sector in Bangladesh” in Independent Review of Bangladesh’s Development 2007, Centre for Policy Dialogue, Dhaka.

4. “Environmental Standards and Exports of Bangladesh” in Nagesh Kumar and Sachin Chaturvedi (eds.) Environmental equirements and Market Access,Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2007.

K.M. Nabiul Islam

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Insights from Conducting Cost Benefit Analysis of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Adaptation in Bangladesh,” Chapter 8, The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters: Do they Cost the Earth? UNISDR/CRED Geneva, 2008 (Forthcoming) (co-author).

2. “Urban and Non-agricultural Impacts of Flooding – The Case of Bangladesh”, Chapter 4, The Economic Impacts of Natural  isasters, Do they Cost the Earth? UNISDR/CRED, Geneva, 2008 (Forthcoming).

3. ORCHID: Piloting Climate Risk Screening in DFID Bangladesh, Chapter 6: An Economic and Cost Benefit Analysis of Adaptation Options, Opportunities and Risks of Climate Change and Disasters (ORCHID) (Jointly), IDS, Sussex University, UK, 2007.

4. Impacts of Flood in Urban Bangladesh – Micro and Macro Level Analysis, Community Development Library, Dhaka 2006.

5. “Linkages between Employment and Poverty: Bangladesh,” In R. Islam (ed.), Fighting Poverty: The Development Employment Link, Lynn Rienner, Boulder, Colorado and London, 2006 (co-author). 

Nazneen Ahmed

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Global Trade Liberalization: Implications from Some Alternative Scenarios” in Mohammad A Razzaque and Edwin Laurent (eds.) Global Rice and Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Poverty and Welfare Implications for South Asia, Commonwealth Secretariat, UK and Academic Foundation, New Delhi, India, 2008 (co-author).

2. “Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Bangladesh,” Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 32,World Bank, Washington, DC, 2007 (co-author).

3. “Market Imperfections” in R. Ruben, J. Pender and A. Kuyvenhoven (eds.) Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Less-favoured Areas, (co-author) CABI publishers: Wallingford, UK. 2007.

4. “Consequences of Abolition of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement Quotas on the Apparel Industry of Bangladesh – a Computable  General Equilibrium Analysis,” in R. Ruben, J. Pender and A. Kuyvenhoven (eds.) Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Less-favoured Areas, CABI Publishers, Wallingford, UK, 2007 (co-author).

5. “Rural Women of Bangladesh: from Home to Market,” in J. Arunachalam and U. Kalpagam (eds.)

“Rural Women in South Asia,” Rawat Publication, Jaipur, India, 2007. 

6. “The Readymade Garment Industry of Bangladesh,” Dialogue + Cooperation Occasional Papers South East Asia, Europe, 2/2006, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Singapore, 2006.

Salma Chaudhuri Zohir

Senior Research Fellow

1. Role of Dhaka Export Processing Zone: Employment and Empowerment, Research Report No. 181, BIDS, December 2007.

2. Development Dimension in the Doha Agenda: A Major Concerns for South Asia, Project Report No.02, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka, September 2007 (co-author).

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Narayan Chandra Nath

Research Fellow


1. Trade Facilitation, A Study Report of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI), Dhaka, 2008 (Forthcoming).

2. “Evaluation of Area Coverage Rural Electrification Project Phase IV-A, B, C, D,” Study Report under Evaluation Sector, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, 2006.

3. “Evaluation of Rural Infrastructure Development Project (RIDP II)”, Study Report published by Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, June 2004.

4. ”Evaluation of Agrobased Industries and Technology Development Development Project, phase-I”, Study Report published by Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, June 2004.

5. “Evaluation of Area Coverage Rural Electrification Project Phase IV-A,B,C,D”, Study Report published by Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, 2006, under Evaluation Sector.

Population Studies Division

M.A. Mannan

Senior Research Fellow

1. Safe Motherhood and Status of Maternal Care Services in Bangladesh (accepted for publication as a book) by ANESVAD Foundation of Spain, and Community Development Library, Dhaka.

2. Street Children in Bangladesh: A Socio-economic Analysis. Published by DSS, Ministry of Social Welfare, July 2007.

Sharifa Begum

Senior Research Fellow

1. “Social Security for Elderly in Bangladesh,” in S. Irudaya Rajan (ed.) Social Security for the Elderly: Experiences from South Asia, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New Delhi, 2008 (co-author).

2. “Maternal Health, Child Well-being and Intergenerationally Transmitted Poverty: Does Women’s Agency Matter?” (accepted for publication in the JDS special issue on Poverty) (co-author).

Humayra Ahmed

Research Associate

1. “Bangladesher Nari: Kormokhetre Onshogrohon o Jothajotho Mullayon Shirshok Porjalochona,” in Selina Hossain, Rita Afsar, Masuduzzaman (eds.) Gender o Artho-Shamajik Unnayan, Maola Brothers, Gender Granthamala 3, February 2007.

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