Aquaculture and the Poor: improving fish production, consumption and nutrition linkages
Team Members: Kazi Ali Toufique and Ben Belton.
The objective of this research is to produce two peer reviewed journal articles.
Article 1 will use HIES data to provide an assessment of the changes in nutrient intakes in Bangladesh associated with changes in fish consumption over time. This will help to evaluate increase in fish consumption brought about by the growth of the aquaculture sector from a nutrition perspective. Article 2 will examine the temporal changes in the consumption of fish, using historical data derived from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES). A forthcoming paper written by Kazi Ali Toufique and Ben Belton will form the basis of this article. This paper analysed HIES data from 2000 to 2010. The analysis will be carried for the survey years before 2000 to understand the changes in fish consumption in a historical perspective. Alternatively, Article 2 may make an attempt to estimate demand functions for fish for several HIES survey years and compare price and income elasticities of demand for various fish species or fish groups as it changed over time. These estimates may done for various poverty groups.
This research is funded by WorldFish.