BDS intro

The Bangladesh Development Studies (BDS) is the refereed quarterly journal of the Institute that publishes research articles, notes and book reviews by BIDS researchers as well as national and international scholars. The journal enjoys international reputation and is currently in its 37th years of publication.

An Editorial Board consisting of national and international scholars selects the articles for publication. The Guidelines for Authors act as guidelines for contributors. For information relating to subscribers/agents, click  here

For necessary information regarding subscriptions/how to order, Click  here

The Bangladesh Development Studies (BDS), the flagship journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, is now available in JSTOR.

Editorial Board

Editorial board : Binayak Sen Chairman & Executive Editor
: Mohammed Yunus Associate Editor
: Monzur Hossain Member
: Kazi Iqbal Member

: Wahiduddin Mahmud

International Editorial Advisory Board

Amartya Sen
Thomas W. Lamont University
Professor, and Professor of
Economics and Philosophy
Harvard University

Salim Rashid
Center for Urban Studies and Sustainable Development (CUSSD)
Department of Economics
East West University

Keith B Griffin
Professor Emeritus
University of California, Riverside
Kunal Sen
Director of UNU-WIDER

Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Professor of Economics 
Yale University

Kaushik Basu
C. Marks Professor of International Studies and Professor of Economics
Cornell University

A R Khan 
Emeritus University of California, Riverside

S. R. Osmani
Professor of Developmental Economics
University of Ulster

Frances Stewart 
Professor Emeritus of Development Economics
University of Oxford