Impact Analysis of the Project "Construction of Small Bridges/Culverts on Rural Roads (3rd phase)"

The main purpose of the impact study is, to review, evaluate the achievements, effectiveness, relevance and efficiency of the project “Construction of small Bridges/Culverts on the Rural Roads” being implemented by the Department of Disaster Management, under the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR).

In particular, an attempt has been made to review and document the achievements, effectiveness, and efficiency of the project to assess: (i)the extent to which the stated objectives of the project have been achieved in improving connectivity with cyclone shelters/growth centres/schools/health centres etc, (ii)the impact of the project at different levels(impact at the household level; impact at the community level; social perceptions on the projects),(iii)the efficiency of the ministry in the implementation of the project,(iv)to discuss with implementing actors at district and upazila level, to get their views on its successes, challenges and scope for further improvements, and (v)to provide insights, draw appropriate lessons, and make policy recommendations for further development.

The project has achieved its targeted impacts on social, economic and allied developmental contexts. Findings of the present study suggest that in the locations/areas where bridges and culverts have been constructed, tremendous benefits have been accrued by the community in the form of improved connectivity along with DDR (disaster risk reduction). The project was implemented all over the country with the aim to improve connectivity to important places like flood/cyclone shelters, growth centres, schools, health facilities, etc. and to increase agricultural production through improvement of communication system for easy and timely movement of agricultural inputs and products. The project can achieve two objectives simultaneously, both short-term transportation benefits and long-term socio-economic development, if implemented efficiently. In practice, both the objectives have been reasonably achieved as emerged from household survey, field observation and FGDs with community leaders and civil society members. Over the years, huge amount of resources have been spent to build bridges and culverts that are needed to improve connectivity, reduce disaster risk, protect the environment and ensure that the roads could withstand floods. A larger number of people in the surrounding villages including the poor, women and children are receiving benefits from the better quality roads, due to the construction of small bridges/culverts, in the following way:

 Improved connectivity with cyclone shelters/growth centres/health facilities/educational institutions;

 Increased resilience, coping capacity, self-confidence;

 Improvement in water-logging situation;

 Marketing of agricultural products in a better way;

 Increase in productivity;

 Expansion of agro based industries in the project areas;

 Increase in employment opportunities, both long &  short term;

 Increased school attendance/utilization of health facilities;

 Empowerment of women, the sick and the disabled.
