Baseline Data for the Impact Evaluation of Second Rural Transport
This report provides the estimates of various parameters at the Baseline for the Impact Evaluation Study for the Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II) in Bangladesh. The baseline survey collected primary data from 800 households, 433 communities, 4000 businesses/shops, 204 markets/growth centers, 1000 transport owners, and 1000 transport users. Besides, the above quantitative data, qualitative data were collected through 433 key respondent interviews and 428 focus group discussions. Both the quantitative and qualitative data were collected along 200 treatment and control roads and 26 km of treatment and control segments of waterways.
Household Survey:
The household survey collected data on several socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the households. The variables are chosen for the following broad categories – household composition, employment, asset ownership, income and expenditure, agricultural activities, food security, experience of shocks and coping mechanisms, health status, mother and child welfare, migration, women agency. Together the variables capture all the important characteristics that define household socio-economic status and activities.