Inclusive Market Development in the Agriculture Sector of Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities


In Bangladesh, the main focus of national policies such as the Five-year Plan and Perspective Plan is to achieve sustainable growth and alleviate poverty. It is commonly perceived that poverty alleviation is the responsibility of the government.  Poverty, especially extreme poverty, should be addressed by government measures, such as social safety net programmes. This conventional approach to poverty reduction also includes micro-entrepreneurship development mainly through the activities of various non-government organisations (NGOs). Although these programmes have been successful in reducing poverty to a certain level, these attempts have only partly managed to integrate poor producers with the market. As a result, they have now been able to become 'market agent' and move vertically up the ladder of economic development. In a market economy, development models which ensure better integration of the poor in the production network and supply chain can go a long way to alleviate poverty.
Team Leader- Dr. Nazneen Ahmed
