Submission Procedure
Manuscripts may be submitted and considered for publication any time.
Manuscripts would be accepted for consideration on
the understanding that they are original contribution to the existing
knowledge on development issues. Manuscript must not be previously
published or under simultaneous consideration in other journals.
All manuscripts (formatted in Microsoft Word) and correspondence should be sent by electronic mail to:; or to the Chief Publication Officer at:,
Manuscripts may also be hand carried or mailed in
duplicate (formatted in Microsoft Word) to the following address: The
Executive Editor, Bangladesh Development Studies, Bangladesh Institute
of Development Studies, E-17 Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
1207, Bangladesh.
Authors whose manuscript has been accepted for
publication will be asked to send a hard copy and an electronic file
of the final version of the manuscript.
It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that
his or her works do not fringe any existing copyright. Furthermore,
the author indemnifies the editors and publishers against any breach
of such a warranty. Authors should obtain letters of permission to
reproduce or adapt copyright material and enclose copies of these
letters with final version of the accepted manuscript.
Review Policy and Procedure
Initial Screening
Manuscripts submitted for publication are sent to a
member of the Editorial Board of BDS or a senior researcher of the
Institute for initial screening to determine the suitability of the
paper for refereeing and to suggest names of at least two referees.
The period for initial screening is 1-2 weeks.
After the initial screening, the Executive Editor
forwards submitted paper to a referee/reviewer familiar with the
subject. Acceptance or rejection depends on the comments of the
referee and on extent of revision.
Period of refereeing ranges from 1 to 2 months.
Refereeing is done anonymously, i.e., name(s)
is/are deleted when sent to referees, and referees’ identities are
withheld from the author(s).
Referees comments/suggestions and observations are forwarded to author for revision.
Period for revision is 2 to 4 weeks.
In submitting revised manuscript, authors are
requested to submit explanations on how the revisions were made and
the reason why they do not agree with the reviewers for those points
on which they have no revision.
Revised paper is sent back to referee for examining
the revised paper to determine whether the paper is revised properly
and the paper is suitable for publication.
If review is negative, comments/suggestions are forwarded to author and paper is not returned.
In case of conflicting views/reviews, the decision
and views of all or any one of the Editorial Board members are sought.
Once a paper is finally accepted without further
comments by the referee(s) and the final revised paper is submitted to
the Executive Editor, the production work e.g. editing, layout,
typesetting, etc begins.
Copy-edited copies of articles are shown to authors for proofreading.
Guidelines in the Preparation of Manuscripts
Each manuscript should be typed double-spaced
(except for footnotes and verbatim inset quotations) on one side of
quarto sheets, and should carry a margin of an inch and a half on the
left side of the typed page and of at least an inch on each of the
remaining three sides. The average length of manuscript is 25-35
Title Page
Each copy of a manuscript should include a
separate title page, which should be the first page of the manuscript.
The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the
paper, the name(s) of author(s), current affiliation of the author(s),
phone number, fax number, e-mail and any acknowledgements,
disclaimers, special agreement concerning authorship, circumstances
regarding the study.
All manuscripts should include an abstract containing 200-250 words.
Organisation of the Manuscript
Manuscripts should be organised into the following
sections: (i) Introduction, (ii) Hypotheses, (iii) Methodological
Issues Involved, (iv) Results, (v) Limitations of Analysis, (vi)
Policy Implications, and (vii) Conclusions, Sub-sections should carry
clear and distinct sub-headings.
Book Review
Book reviews are also accepted. Book reviews must
also be typed double-space in 8.5x11 inches A4 size paper and should
not exceed 2000 words. Each request for a book review in the journal
must be accompanied by two copies of the book concerned, which should
be submitted to the Director General, Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies, E-17, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
(G.P.O. Box No. 3854).
Complimentary Copy
Each author will receive two complimentary copies of The Bangladesh Development Studies and 25 off prints.
Comments on Published Articles
Those wishing to submit for publication of
comments on a Journal article are asked first to send their
observations to the author and to give him an opportunity to respond
before communicating with the Executive Editor. If the editor accepts
the comments for publication, he will send one copy to the original
author and give him a chance to make a short reply in the same issue.
Spelling and mathematical notation
1. British rather than American spelling is preferred.
2. Mathematics should be written on a single line.
Footnotes to the text should be limited as much as
possible and should be numbered consecutively. The corresponding
reference numbers must be clearly indicated in the text. Footnotes to a
table should be typed directly beneath the table and numbered with
superscripts (e.g., 1, 2, 3). They should not be numbered in sequence
with the footnotes in the text. If superscript numbers could be
mistaken for exponents, substitute superscript (e.g., a, b, c).
Endnotes are not recommended.
Tables should be embedded within the body of the
document as close as possible to the first reference to the table.
Tables should be numbered serially and cited in the text. The title of
each table as well as the captions of its columns and rows should be
clearly expressive of its contents. The source of the table should be
typed directly above the table in a 10-point, normal, Times New Roman
Figures, illustrations and graphs should be
embedded within the body of the document as close as possible to the
first reference to the figure, illustration or graph. Figures,
illustrations or graphs should be about 10 x 10 cm in size, with a
resolution of 300 dpi minimum and preferably in black and white.
Figures should be sequentially numbered as
follows: Figure 1. . . . , Figure 2. . . ., and a caption should be
included above the figure in a 10-point, normal, Times New Roman font.
Abbreviations for all figures should be listed alphabetically.
Illustrations (Figures)
As reproduction of illustrations is costly as well
as time-consuming, authors are discouraged to use of color among
their illustrations.
Metric system
The metric system should be used for all
measurements. Temperatures should be expressed in degrees Celsius
(centigrade). Metric abbreviations should be expressed in standard
notation lower-case (e.g., mm) without periods.
Equations should be embedded within the body of
the document and should be sequentially numbered in round brackets at
the end of the equation line, and where possible, indented. A single
line space should be included above and below the equation for
When preceded by a digit, the following symbols are to be used: % for per cent; ° for degree.
References in text
1. All references in the text should be cited
by the last name of the author(s) followed by the year of the
publication (e.g. Sen 1993, Dreze and Sen 1989). All references cited
in the text, tables or figures should appear in the reference list.
2. If two or more publications by the same
authors(s) in the same year are cited, these should be listed as...a,
b...., and so on; for example, 2000a, 2000b.
3. If a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the work is refereed to in the text.
First citation in text
Dreze and Sen (1989) argued that
Subsequent citation in text
Dreze and Sen (1989) argued that
4. If a work has 3 to 5 authors, cite all
authors the first time the reference occurs and in subsequent
citations the names of the second, third and succeeding authors are
designated as et al. in text. However, in the reference list, all
names should be given.
First citation in text
Kaufmann, Kraay, and Zoido-Lobaton (1999) found
Subsequent citation in text
Kaufmann et al. (1999) found
5. Comma rather than semicolon is used to
separate different authors; for example (Sen 1984, 1999, Bell 1982,
1984). Use chronological as well as alphabetical order.
6. If a work has two authors with the same last name, use first initials with the last names.
For example: (E. Johnson 2001, L. Johnson 1998)
7. Page numbers should be provided when specific
arguments or findings of authors are summarized or directly quoted.
Example, Rossen and Ranjan (2003:13-17).
8. Personal communications should be listed as
such where they are cited in the text, and not listed in the references.
Since Paterson (1983) has shown that… This is in
results attained later (Kramer, 1984). Results have been reported (Don
Graham, 1989, personal communication).
Reference List
1. All references should be listed in alphabetical
order according to author’s last name, or where there is no
identifiable author, by the name of sponsoring body or organisation.
Place initials before the last name (e.g. Sen, A). For two or more
authors, after the first author’s name, give the names of the other
authors by writing first the initials followed by the last name (e.g.
Baldwin, R.E., and Wiener, P.).
2. For successive references by the same author or
author team, use a 3-em dash in place of the author’s name. List them
in chronological order, according to year of publication (earlier
date first). Example:
Sen, Amartya.1984.Poverty and Famines.Oxford,U.K.: Oxford University Press.
_____1999. Development as Freedom.Newyork:Alfred A. Knopf.
3. Do not use a 3-em dash when the co-author(s)
in the succeeding references is (are) different. Repeat the name(s)
then arrange the references in alphabetical order. Example:
Helpman, Elhanan 1987: “Imperfect Competition and
International Trade: Evidence from Fourteen Industrial Countries,”
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 1 (1): 62–81.
Helpman and Paul R. Krugman 1985: Market Structure
and Foreign Trade. Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the
International Economy, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
4. Book and journal titles should be italicized;
title of journal articles, conference/workshop paper, working paper or
document should not be italicized but set in quotation marks. The
first letter of each word of all book, journal, article, paper titles,
report should be capital letter.
5. Electronic sources (databases, online journals,
websites or pages, newsgroups, web or e-mail-based discussion groups
and web or e-mail newsletters) used as references should also be
listed. Sample of the preferred format is given below:
6. Articles not yet published should show forthcoming.
Besley, T. and Robin Burges.forthcoming.”The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness: Theory and Evidence from India.” Quarterly Journal of Economics.
7. For a book with no editor, simply include the word In before the book title.
8. If there is no date available for the document, use n.d. Example:Rahman,P.n.d.
9. If there are more than six authors, list the first six and then et al.
Yogman, N.W., S.S. Dixon,E.T.Tronick,L.L.Adamson,H.A.Als, and T.B. Brazelton and et al.
Sample Reference List
Book and Book Chapter
One Author
Baldwin, Richard E. 1994: Towards an Integrated Europe. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.
Two Authors
Dreze,Jean, and Amartya Sen.1989.Hunger and Public Action.Oxford,U.K.: Clarendon Press.
Essays or Chapters in a Book
Cato, J.C., and C. A. Lima dos Santos .2000: “Costs to Upgrade the Bangladesh Frozen Shrimp Processing Sector to Adequate Technical and Sanitary Standards and to Maintain a HACCP Program.” In L. Unnevehr, ed., The Economics of HACCP: New Studies of Costs and Benefits. St. Paul, MN: Eagan Press.
Edited Book
Przeworski,Adam, Susan C. Stokes, and Bernard Manin,eds.1999.Democracy, Accountability, and Representation.Cambridge,U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Padover,S.,ed.1953. The Complete Madison.Newyork:Harper.
Corporate Author
World Bank.1998. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. Washington, D.C.
Multiple/Revised Edition and Multivolume Work
Helfer,M.E., R.S. Keme, and R.D. Drugmam.1997.The Battered Child (5th ed.).Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Helfer,M.E., R.S. Keme, and R.D. Drugmam.1997.The Battered Child (Rev. ed.).Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Wiener,P.ed.1973.Dictionary of the History of Ideas (Vls.1-4). Newyork:Scriber’s
Translated Book
Laplace,P.S.1951.A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities.Trans:F.W. Truscott and F.L. Emory.Newyork:Dover.(Original Work Published 1814)
Article in Journal/Newspaper
One Author
Egger, Peter. 2000. “A Note on the Proper Econometric Specification of the Gravity Equation.” Economics Letters 66 (1): 25-31.
Two Authors
Anderson, T.W. and Cheng Hsiao.1982. “Formulation and Estimation of Dynamic Models Using Panel Data.” Journal of Econometrics 18(1): 47-82.
Besley, Timothy, and Robin Burgess.Forthcoming. “The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness: Theory and Evidence from India.” Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Three or more authors
Thompson, T., Griffith K.E., and P. Leaf.1990. “A Historical Review of the Madison Model of Community Care.” Hospital and Community Psychiatry 41(6):21-35.
Yogman,N.W., S.S. Dixon,E.T.Tronick,L.L.Adamson,H.A.Als, and T.B. Brazelton.1976. “Development of Infant Social Interaction with Fathers.”Papers presented at Eastern Psychological Association Meeting,Newyork City,May 13.
Two or more works by the same author in the same year
Stiglitz, J.E.1975a. “Incentives, Risk, and Information: Notes towards a Theory of Hierarchy.” Bell Journal of Economics 6(2):552-79.
_____1975b. “Information and Economic Analysis.” In M. Parkin and A.R.Nobay, eds., Current Economic Problems.Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Special Issue
Barlow, D.H. (ed.).1991. “Diagnoses, Dimensions, and DSM-IV” (Special Issue).Journal of Abnormal Psychology 100(3):5-17.
Regier, A.A.1990. “The Epidemiology of Anxiety Disorders.” Journal of Psychiatric Research 24 (Suppl.2):3-14.
Newspaper/Popular Magazines
Santry,David.1980. “The Prophet of Profits.” Times, September 15.
Economist.2005. “The Mountain Man and the Surgeon.” December 24.
Martin, S.2002. “Sports-Interview Shockers.” New Yorker,May 6.
Conference Proceedings/Papers
Sapin, A. (ed.) (1985) Health and the Environment. Proceedings of the Conference on Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals, 30–31 March 1984, Chicago, IL. Chicago: American Toxological Association.
Harley, N.H. (1981) . “Radon Risk Models.” In A.R. Knight and B. Harrad, eds., Indoor Air and Human Health. Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium, 29–31 October, Knoxville, TN. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.69–78.
Papers presented at a Conference/Meeting
Gunning, J. W. 2000. “The Reform of Aid: Conditionality, Selectivity and Ownership.” Paper presented at the conference on “Aid and Development,” Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm, January 20–21.
Young, W.R. 1981. “Effects of Different Tree Species on Soil Properties in Central New York.” M.Sc. thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Stromberg, David.1999. “The Politics of Public Spending.”Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University, Princton, New Jersey.
Report/Research Reports/Working Papers
Bloom, G. 2005. Poverty Reduction During Democratic Transition: The Malawi Social Action Fund 1996-2001. IDS Research Report no. 56. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
Kaufman,D.,Aart Kraay, and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton.1999. “Governance Matters.”Policy Research Working Paper No. 2196.World Bank ,Washington,D.C.
World Bank.2001.World Development Report 2000.Washington,D.C.
Bond, S. A., S. Hwang, Z.Lin and K.Vandell.2005. Marketing Period Risk in a Portfolio Context: Theory and Empirical Estimates from the UK Commercial Real Estate Market. Cambridge, UK: Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge (mimeo).
Wriston, Walter.1993. “Clintonomics: The New Information Revolution and the New Global Market Economy.” Speech delivered at the Independent Policy Forum, January 25, Washington,D.C.
Unpublished Manuscript
Huberman, GUr, and Tomer Regev.1999.Speculating on a Cure for Cancer: A Non-Event that Made Stock Prices Soar.” Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, Newyork.Unpublished manuscript.
Electronic Document
Galor, Oded, Omer Moav and Dietrich Vollrath. 2004. “Land Inequality and the Origin of Divergence and Overtaking in the Growth Process: Theory and Evidence.” Accessed September 26, 2007,from
Geenberg,D.S.2003. “Conference Deplores Corporate Influence on Academic Science.” The Lancet 362:302-303.Retrieved SEptember 24,2003,from
Lexchin,J.,L.A.Bero,B.Djulbegovic ,and O.Clark.2003. Pharmaceutical Industry Sponsorship and Research Outcome and Quality: Systematic Review.British Medical Journal 326:1167.Retrieved May 31,2003,from
Freedom House.2000.Press Freedom Survey 2000. Access on ,from
Publication Process
When final revised manuscripts of accepted papers are received from authors, they are scheduled for publication as they arrive at publication section.
Publication section staff is responsible for matters of BDS style and for quality of printing. Manuscripts are copyedited for BDS style and usage, grammar, puncuation, etc. Copyedited manuscripts are sent to authors, along with a query letter containing questions on errors, inconsistencies, or missing information. Copy editor does not edit, i.e. rewrite or change the technical content of a paper. Sometimes, however, suggestions for smoother or clearer usage are made.
Typeset proofs of papers and technical notes are sent to authors, domestic and foreign, for proofreading.