Massive Boom of C-Section Delivery in Bangladesh: A Household Level Analysis (2004-2018)

Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) organized the BIDS Fortnightly Seminar 2022 titled “Massive Boom of C-Section Delivery in Bangladesh: A Household Level Analysis (2004-2018)” on 28 September, 2022 in the BIDS Conference Room. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque Sarker, Research Fellow, BIDS presented his research findings in this seminar.

According to the study, C-Section (CS) prevalence among Bangladeshi mothers increased approximately eightfold from 3.99% in 2004 to 33.22% in 2017–18, despite WHO recommendations that CS rate should not exceed 15% of total birth deliveries. Alarmingly, the annual percentage change in C-section deliveries from the years 2004 to 2017–18 was 16.34%. Considering the alarmingly high C-section rate among urban women (12% in 2004 and 44% in 2017–18), rural mothers also frequently used CS services. The study observed that in rural areas, the prevalence of CS delivery was only 2% in 2004 but jumped up to 29% in 2017–18. Urban mothers experienced a 10% annual percentage change in CS delivery, compared to 21% for rural mothers. In comparison to public facilities (12% in 2014 and 10.6% in 2017–18), the research found that the rate of CS delivery was higher in private facilities (46.2% in 2014 and 52% in 2017–18). Mothers who were obese had nearly three times as many C-sections as mothers who were of a healthy weight. In order to limit the rising rate of caesarean deliveries, the authorities should put in place efficient national monitoring systems, said Dr. Razzaque.

This lecture was attended by BIDS researchers, academicians, policy-makers, development practitioners, and journalists. Dr. Binayak Sen, the Director General of BIDS chaired the event. 

Meeting recording link here