The PEC Report of the Economic Census 2013

Dr. Zaid Bakht

Dr. S.M. Zahedul Islam Chowdhury

Executive Summary

1. The Economic Census 2013 was carried out in two phases during March 31 through May 31, 2013. The main objective of the census was to assess the current size and composition of the Bangladesh economy outside of household based agriculture and examine how the structure of this component of the economy has changed over the past decade.

2. The census was preceded by a complete listing of all households and establishments in the country with information on the type of household and establishment. Economic units were separated from this list and included in the census for data collection leaving out households engaged only in agriculture or activities outside the scope of the census. The census involved 100% count of all such listed economic units and new households and establishments which appeared with non-farm economic activities after the listing.
