BDS Past Issue Volume I, No. 3, 1973

The Success Story that Wasn't–"Development Policy II: The Pakistan Experience"

Author: Abu Ahmed Abdullah

Development Planning with Social Justice: Some Clarifications of Concepts and Applications

Author: M. Raihan Sharif

The Price Situation in Bangladesh–A Preliminary Analysis

Author: Swadesh R. Bose

Some Economic Aspects of Jute Production in Bangladesh– An Inter-District Study

Author: Mahabub Hossain &amp

Opportunity for Village Development: The anks of Bangladesh

Author: Douglas V. Smith

The new government of Bangladesh is faced with enormous problems of mobilizing a growing population and of allocating resources to achieve lasting and equitable improvements in social welfare. Land now occupied by tanks is currently neglected by economic planners; we argue that a tank development scheme accompanied by land reforms and establishment of marketing cooperatives can complement other land and water development programs and contribute to productivity increases with favourable distributional, nutritional, and ecological properties. In general, it will be maintained that the approach used to evaluate the potential of the tanks of Bangladesh, an approach based upon a view of their role as components in a system of economic, sociological, and ecologic relations, is essential to the further development of technological alternatives that can contribute to equitable, self-sustaining social development. 

Sectoral Employment Response in an Input-Output Framework: The Case of Bangladesh

Author: Iftikhar Ahmed

A Contribution to the Problem of Economic Development of Bangladesh

Author: Jaroslav Vanek

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