Economic Valuation of Women's Unpaid Household Service Work in Bangladesh

Binayak Sen, Tanima Ahmed, Kazi Iqbal And Mohammad Yunus



This short note estimates the economic value of women’s unpaid household service work in Bangladesh using data from the Time Use Survey 2021 of BBS. This survey collected detailed information 17,772 respondents (10,024 female and 7,748 male) from 8,000 households on how individuals aged 15 years and older spent their time over a 24-hour period in a day on various activities. Productive time of all household members is divided into three categories: i) household chores (e.g. cooking, cleaning, etc.); ii) caregiving services for household members; and iii) paid and self-employed work. The first two categories comprise unpaid household service work. Data show that women and men spent 7 hours and 6.9 hours on productive work, respectively. In order to estimate the total economic value of women’s unpaid work, we follow an input-based replacement cost approach with generalist wage rates. Our estimate shows that the valuation of women’s unpaid care work is BDT 5,307 billion, which is equivalent to 14.8 per cent of the GDP in 2021. This figure is a meagre 2.8 per cent of GDP for men.


Date of Publication 

May 2024


Unpaid Work, Time Use Survey, Economic Valuation, Time Allocation

JEL Classification Code

J17, J22

Recommended Citation

Sen, B., Ahmed, T., Iqbal, K., & Yunus, M. (2022). Economic valuation of women's unpaid household service work in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Development Studies, 45(1&2), 111-127.

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