An attempt is made in this paper to analyse the structure of unemployment and underemployment in Bangladesh agriculture on the basis of a micro study. In particular, the study tries to relate the degree of underutilisation of labour with farm size on the one hand and tenurial status on the other. In view of extreme periodicity in agricultural activities, the degree of unemployment is estimated with reference to three-time periodswhole year, busiest season and busiest period. Defining withdrawable surplus of labour as the level of unemployment in the busiest period, it appears that roughly 20 per cent of the labour force can be withdrawn without adversely affecting the level of output, although only about 6 per cent of the labour force is employed throughout the year. As for the structure of unemployment, it is revealed that the employment status of the share-croppers is significantly better than that of the owner operators, and that the largest farm size class shelters the highest proportion of surplus labour for the whole year.