BDS Volume XI, December 1983, Number 4

Estimation of Births, Averted in Rural Bangladesh: A Case Study of Uthali

Author: Alauddin Ahmed, Md.

The Dominant Constraint on Growth in Bangladesh

Author: S. Ahmad

Adoption of HYV : Role of Availability of Inputs and the Supply Side Problems

Author: Rushidan I. Rahman

This paper discusses the role of the supply of inputs in the adoption practices of HYV. It shows that the lack of availability of inputs may pose obstacles to the adoption of HYV and expansion of its acreage. Irrigation is the most important among such supply side constraints. Supply side factors are important not only for adoption practices but also to explain the pattern of adoption among different farm sizes.

Infant Mortality in Bangladesh : Trends and Differentials

Author: Sharifa Begum

During the sixties overall infant mortality rate of Bangladesh was largely static. It increased considerably in the early seventies following the liberation war of 1971 and the country wide famine of 1974. Mortality differentials by residence however, reveals that unchanged mortality situation during sixties prevailed only in rural area of Bangladesh and urban mortality had been able to achieve noteworthy improvements at that time. This situation got reverses during bad years of early seventies. Urban mortality at that time as evidenced deteriorated more compared to that in rural area suggesting greater vulnerability of the urban mortality in Bangladesh during food shortages and other crises. This study found negative relationship between infant mortality and the parent’s education particularly with the mother’s education and also with the house types or housing comditions.  

Construction of a Macroeconomic Model of the Bangladesh Economy

Author: Ashok Parikh

The paper constructs a macro-econometric model of the Bangladesh economy using the Keynesian approach of price rigidity with quantity rationing. It also explicitly brings out the structure of the economy and interdependence between various sectors of the economy and, to capture the effects of monetary and fiscal stimulus on the structure of the economy, the model includes monetary and fiscal variables. One feature of the model that distinguishes it from that developed by Nurul Islam is the inclusion of the weather factor. It is an underlying idea of the model that although monetary authorities have some control over the money supply, there are powerful forces in the economy which limit the extent of this control over changes in money supply. Accordingly, the model departs from the Keynesian tradition and treats one component of money supply namely, bank lending to the private sector and government budget deficit as endogenously determined and the other component exoge- nously determined.  

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