

Why do bangladeshi cattle yield high positive returns? (IRLRB)

This study extends the recent debate on the rate of return of cattle rearing in India, triggered by Anagol et al (2017), Gehrke and Grimm (2018) and others, to the Bangladesh context and finds that the apparent paradox of widespread cattle rearing despite negative return in India absent. We use a...

An evaluation of bscic industrial estates

The evaluation of BSCIC estates covers various aspects of an estate that needs to be considered, such as plot allocation and utilization, occupancy rate, estate turnover ratio, estate management, estate revenue generation, firm performance etc. A total of 10389 plots was developed in 74 estates, 9...

Impact Assessment of South Asia WASH Results Programme (SAWRP): 2014-2018

The South Asia WASH Results Programme (SAWRP) refers to the work undertaken by the consortium in delivering improvements in access to and use of WASH facilities. SAWRP has been working to improve water, sanitation and hygiene outcomes in Bangladesh since 2014. The objective was to promote and e...

Gender Differentiated Impacts of Kerosene Subsidy Reform in Bangladesh

The report examines from a gender perspective the impact of subsidies and reform to kerosene in Bangladesh. The research was based around two overall research questions: “How do existing kerosene or LPG subsidy policies affect the welfare, productivity and empowerment of women and girls in low-inc...

Tracer Study of Graduates of Universities in Bangladesh"

“Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP),” the flagship project of the Ministry of Education, works with the aim to improve the quality of teaching and learning of the tertiary education institutions of the country. The students of these institutes are supposed to be the ultimate benefi...

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