This paper examines the validity of long-rung Purchasing Power Parity
(PPP) and the so-called Generalized Purchasing Power Parity (G-PPP) in
five South Asian countries, using the relatively new Johansen
cointegration approach. It has been demonstrated that weak-from PPP
finds considerable support from data, while the strong-form version of
the hypothesis does not, irrespective of whether the official or the
parallel market exchange rates are used in the analysis. Moreover, G-PPP
seems to hold among these countries. The major policy implication of
the findings of the paper is that if the monetary authorities in the
South Asian countries wish to stabilize domestic prices or reduce
persistent balance of payments deficits they must try to lower the
external value of their currencies. These countries can also reap the
benefits of co-operation in the core areas of trade, manufactures and
services through elimination of various restrictions on regional trade.
This paper estimates rent in the inland fisheries of Bangladesh by
identifying three important determinants of its distribution: the access
rights of the fishers to fishing grounds of differential quality, the
differentiation among the fishers in terms of ownership of fishing
assets and the nature of contractual structure. Fishing grounds have
been classified as those that are rich in quality and those that are
poor and the fishers have been classified as those who own fishing
assets and as those who do not. We present three major findings. First,
the fishers as a whole received a large amount of rent. Second, access
rights of the fishers to the type of water body and the degree of
ownership of fishing assets are important determinants of the amount of
rent they receive. Third, the distribution of rent was found more
egalitarian in the richer water bodies.
The paper examines comparative advantage of different crops using two
indicators net economic profitability and domestic resource cost ratio.
The profitability estimates and estimated domestic cost ratio suggest
that except for a few import-competing crops, Bangladesh has comparative
advantage in production of most crops. There are a number of crops, e.
g. vegetables, potato, cotton and onion whose financial and economic
returns compare favourably with that of HYV rice. The analysis has
important implications for scope and incentive for crop diversification
in the country. The longer term comparative advantage, assessed in terms
of expected technological innovations and changes in future world
market conditions suggests that although the profitability of HYV boro
is likely to worsen in future, substantial improvements in both
financial and economic profitability can be expected for most other
crops.The analysis seems to suggest that the menu of crops that
Bangladesh can produce efficiently either for import substitution or for
export is quite large. A pertinent question is how far the comparative
advantage that Bangladesh agriculture enjoys can be realized as a
consequence of Uruguay Round Agreements. The paper argues that the
existence of comparative advantage and the liberalization under UR
Agreements are not likely to generate any significant benefit to
Bangladesh agriculture on their own. What is essential is to enhance
agricultural productivity, develop technology and skills, and create an
effective policy regime to realize the potential benefits of the
emerging trading opportunities.
Recently there has been a growing concern that the poorest of the poor
are not reached by the NGO interventions. This recognition has led to a
number of studies that have discussed the issue of participation in NGO
programmes. However, although some NGOs have several social programmes
side-by-side their micro-credit interventions, all the studies, so far,
have only considered the issue of non-participation of the poorest
households in credit programmes. As a result, from the existing
literature it is not possible to know the nature of participation in the
social programmes, let alone the question of less representation by a
particular group within the target population. The present paper,
probably for the first time, studies the extent of participation of the
extreme poor in the social programmes of the NGOs based on some primary
data gathered from field survey. It is found that the social programmes
of the NGOs are also less participated by the extreme poor households
like its counterpart credit components. An attempt has been made here to
present some empirical evidence of the extent of this exclusion and to
understand the internal dynamics of participation in such programmes.