The Bangladesh microcredit market comprises of formal and quasi-formal
microfinance institutions. The present paper examines and evaluates
efficiency and sustainability of two microfinance programmes-formal and
quasi-formal. Grameen Bank is formal and ASA is quasi-formal in nature,
status and programme. The Efficiency and Subsidy Intensity Index (ESII),
as developed by the authors, was used to examine the sustainability and
efficiency of the two programmes. The analysis shows that both Grameen
Bank and ASA have been operating with high degree of cost and financial
efficiency. ASA being a quasi-formal organization is more cost-effective
and sustainable than Grameen Bank, a formal organization. This is
attributed to low salary base and high lending interest rate. GB is
relatively costly because of higher salary, based on national pay scale,
and relatively low lending interest rate. If ASA had to operate with
the average salary of Grameen, given the present level of operation, it
would be very worse-off. This was evident from a simulation of increase
in wage rate. In contrary, Grameen Bank would be much better-off at a
low salary base of ASA. During the period 1993-97, the degree of ESII
has declined for both GB and ASA. The positive subsidy intensity of ASA
is contrary to the traditional belief that it is a self-sufficient
organization with no subsidy dependency. Consequently, social costs are
associated with these two programmes. Grameen Bank will be able to
reduce social cost and improve sustainability by improving cost
efficiency, increasing loan size and lending interest rate, and changing
portfolio mix without incurring any operating cost. Grameen Bank is
close to achieving sustainability after its fifteen years of experience.
Similarly, ASA has attained higher degree of sustainability within
seven years of its microcredit operation. This implies that it takes
longer time for a formal organization like Grameen Bank to be
sustainable than quasi-formal organizations like ASA. However, some
proxy measures suggest positive net social gains of both the programmes.
The findings have implications for developing microcredit market and
designing regulatory framework for MFIs in Bangladesh.
The overriding policy and research attention on the measurement of the
impact of microcredit programme participation has meant that the process
of participation has remained relatively unexplored. In fact, the ways
in which households arrive at the decision to participate may bear
importantly on programme effects since participation is essentially part
of a household’s livelihood strategy. Programme impact will depend not
only on programme inputs, but also more importantly on how closely
desired programme outputs are integrated into specific household and
individual strategies. This paper examines the household participation
decision on the premise that programme impact hinges crucially on who
joins a microcredit programme and why. The paper finds that the
household decision to join a programme is determined by the interplay of
the households demand for microcredit, the opportunity costs of
membership activities for individual family members and the nature of
the intra-household gender relationship. Such a household strategy
carries new and important implications for the interpretation of
programme effects on both women’s empowerment and poverty reduction.
Microfinance provides an alternative source of finance to the poor and
women, who, if without access to formal banks, have access to a variety
of informal lenders. As microfinance is relatively cheaper than informal
finance, access to microfinance is expected to reduce household
borrowing from informal sources. Microfinance is also expected to
increase household savings by providing an alternative facility for
savings mobilization from the poor. An econometric analysis of household
survey data from Bangladesh shows that micro-borrowing has indeed
reduced borrowing from informal sources, thereby demonstrating
microfinance as an effective alternative source of finance to the poor.
Micro-borrowing is also found to increase voluntary savings, thus
assuring that an appropriate facility can raise household savings even
in a poor country such as Bangladesh. Of course, impacts of microfinance
vary by the gender of borrowers. The savings impact of micro-borrowing
is more pronounced for women than for men. In contrast, the informal
finance impact is more pronounced for men than for women.
This paper examines the effect of group-based credit for the poor in
Bangladesh, by gender of participant, on participating household’s mix
of agricultural contracts (quantities of land sharecropped and rented),
and the supply of agricultural labour which takes the form of
own-cultivation as opposed to agricultural wage labour. The group-based
microcredit programmes examined provide production credit for
non-agricultural activities to essentially landless and assetless rural
households. Landless cultivators are more likely to have their
contractual choices shaped by credit market constraints than others. On a
priori grounds it is important to distinguish credit effects by gender
of participant. Male programme credit, if properly monitored, should
induce men to substitute away from supplying agricultural labour and
contracting for agricultural land to supplying the non-agricultural
labour required by the non-agricultural self-employment activity
financed by the microcredit programme. Programme participation by women,
who are otherwise much less involved in income-generating activities,
diversifies the sources of household income not merely by the type of
activity undertaken but also across individuals within the household.
These outcomes that permit households to choose higher return but
riskier agricultural contracts.Econometric analysis of a 1991/92
household survey provides strong evidence that participation in these
group-based microcredit programmes substantially alters the mix of
agricultural contracts chosen by participating households. In
particular, both female and male participation induces a significant
increase in own-cultivation through sharecropping, coupled with a
complementary increase in male hours in field crop self-employment and a
reduction in male hours in the wage agricultural labour market,
consistent with its presumed effects in diversifying income and
smoothing consumption. Female credit effects are larger than male credit
effects in increasing sharecropping and in reducing male wage labour
and increasing agricultural self-employment, as predicted.
In order to fulfill the Microcredit Summit’s goal of reaching 100
million families with microcredit by the year 2005, we must ensure not
only that more resources are dedicated to promoting microcredit, but also that resources are provided to institutions in cost-effective ways.Donor
agencies generally provide funds as grants or low-interest loans to
microcredit programmes, often with government involved as a guarantor.
The administrative cost of providing these funds is often unacceptably
high, and the amount that actually reaches the poor as loans is likely
to be quite low. Donors should increase the percentage of microcredit
funds that reach the poorest to 70%.Several limitations exist in
current methods of fund distribution by donor agencies. One significant
limitation is an over-reliance on consultants, many of whom do not have
the skills necessary to successfully advise and assist microcredit
donors and practitioners. In order to strengthen their capacity to reach
the poorest, donor agencies should declare a target percentage of funds
going to the microfinance sector which will be committed as loans to
the poorest, and then require each local office to produce annual
reports on its contribution to achieving the country goal. A clear
policy should be established to CGAP members and to local Microcredit
Capital Programmes (MCPs), Microcredit Funds (MCFs) and NGOs. Moreover,
agencies should create a country-level CGAP mechanism and hold at least
one meeting each year to review progress and discuss upcoming plans.The
Microcredit Summit estimated that US$11.6 billion would be needed as
grants and soft loans to reach 100 million families. This additional
US$11.6 billion could be mobilized if the percentage of Official
Development Assistance (ODA) going to microcredit for the poorest is
raised to 5%. Initiatives must be taken to build non-governmental,
sustainable, wholesaler MCFs at the local level and channel donor funds
to these institutions in order to initiate and support MCPs.