BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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An Optimal Macroeconomic Planning Model for the Bangladesh Economy: Strategies for Self-reliant Development, 1988

Author: Wahidul Haque and S.H. Rahman Number: 09 (Price: Inland Tk.30.00; Foreign US$8.00) Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

Evaluation of Primary Health Care and Family Planning Facilities and Their Limitations Specially in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh, October 1988

Author: M.R. Khan Number: 07 (Price: Inland Tk.100.00; Foreign US$15.00)   Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

The Wage Employment Market for Rural Women in Bangladesh, 1986

Author: Rushidan Islam Rahman Number: 06 (Price: Inland Tk.30.00; Foreign US$8.00)  Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

Bangladesh and the IMF: An Exploratory Study, anuary 1986

Author: K.M. Matin Number: 05 (Price: Inland Tk.40.00; Foreign US$10.00)  Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

Credit for the Rural Poor: Experience of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh

Author: Mahabub Hossain Number: 04 (Price: Inland Tk.50.00; Foreign US$10.00) Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

Evaluation of Jute Policies and a Jute Policy Model for Bangladesh, 1984

Author: Sultan H. Rahman Number: 03 (Price: Inland Tk.30.00; foreign US$8.00) Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

Saving in Bangladesh 1950/60-1969/70, June 1974

Author: Mohiuddin Alamgir and Atiqur Rahman Number: 02 (Price: Soft Cover Tk.20.00; US$7.50; Hardcover Tk.30.00; US$10.00) Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02

Bangladesh: National Income and Expenditure 1949/50-1969/70, June 1974

Title: Bangladesh: National Income and Expenditure 1949/50-1969/70, June 1974 Author: Mohiuddin Alamgir and Lodewijk J.J.B. Berlage Number: 01 Price: Soft Cover Tk.20.00; US$7.50; Hardcover Tk.30.00, US$10.00 Download  

Uploaded Date : 2016-06-02


Applications are invited from bonafide Bangladeshi nationals for the post of Senior Research Fellow in the scale of pay (NPS 2009) Tk. 25750-1000-33750/- plus other allowances as admissible under existing rules. While BIDS follows public sector salary structure, initial salary depends on individual...

Uploaded Date : 2016-05-05
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