BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization


Impact Evaluation Of The 1st Phase Of 'Swapno'

Strengthening Women’s Ability for Productive New Opportunities, also known as SWAPNO is a typical public works based ‘graduation model’ targeting only the distressed and vulnerable rural women. Since it is a so called ‘graduation model’, it not only aims at lifting the poor out of poverty...

Uploaded Date : 2017-10-11

An assessment on coverage of basic social services in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, in pursuit of its own development trajectory and commitment to fulfill the SDGs, continuously invests in social services projects including health, nutrition, education and child protection. The success of these interventions depends on effective coverage of the targeted beneficiaries....

Uploaded Date : 2017-09-21

Burden of Disease on the Urban Poor: A Study of Morbidity and Utilization of Healthcare among Slum Dwellers in Dhaka City

Bangladesh, as the rest of the developing world, is urbanizing rapidly; around one-third of the country’s population comprising 50 million people, live in urban areas. In recent years, urban population is growing at an increasing rate in Bangladesh (at an annual rate of between five to six...

Uploaded Date : 2017-08-27

Impact of Natural Barrier on Competitiveness of Selected Bangladeshi Exportable Agricultural Products in the International Market

The research is planned to estimate the export potential of selected agricultural exportable products (fruits/vegetables) by estimating protection and competitiveness of these products in the international market. While doing so it will differ from the existing literature by estimating and...

Uploaded Date : 2017-08-21

Estimating Potential Growth for Bangladesh: A Production Function Approach

This study attempts to estimate potential output growth for Bangladesh over the 1985- 2015 period. Potential growth, as different from actual growth, determines how much growth the economy is capable of achieving by deploying its trend capital stock as well as the natural level of employment at a...

Uploaded Date : 2017-08-21

Baseline Survey On Estimating Socioeconomic Benefits Of Renewable Energy Technology (Ret) Systems In Bangladesh

The purpose of this study is to carry out baseline surveys on socio-economic benefits of each of the four Renewable Energy Technology (RET) systems of interest, namely- solar mini-grid, solar irrigation pump, Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS) and biogas plant to facilitate the estimate of socioeconomic...

Uploaded Date : 2017-08-01

Bangladesh Integrated Food Policy Research Program

The Bangladesh Integrated Food Policy Research Program is one of the key components of the Modern Storage Facilities Project being implemented by the Ministry of Food with a World Bank investment. The project is designed to undertake three sets of activities: (1) enhance institutional capacity of...

Uploaded Date : 2017-07-12

Evaluation of Industrial Estates of BSCIC

The industrial estates of BSCIC have been promoting small and cottage industrial sector and thereby creating employment opportunities, attaining poverty alleviation and balanced regional growth, ensuring optimum utilization of economic and human resources and accelerating overall economic growth of...

Uploaded Date : 2017-07-09

Higher fish but lower micronutrient intakes: Temporal changes in fish consumption from capture fisheries and aquaculture in Bangladesh

The paper conducts a temporal analysis of fish consumption and nutrient intakes from fish in Bangladesh, using nationally representative household expenditure surveys from 1991, 2000 and 2010, combined with detailed species-level nutrient composition data. Malnutrition is one of the biggest...

Uploaded Date : 2017-05-23

Managing Fisheries for Food Security: Implications from Demand Analysis

The rapid rise of aquaculture and concurrent stagnation or decline in capture fisheries output are widely recognised global phenomena, but the food and nutrition security implications of these trends remain the subject of considerable uncertainty. The paper uses the latest (2010) nationally...

Uploaded Date : 2017-05-23

Total: 169 / Current Page: 10 of 17

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