BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization


Vol. 4 Issue 2 December 2016

This Newsletter is the second issue for the year 2016 and begins with highlights of an extensive study sponsored by the ADB, which examines labour supply and demand, and emerging skill gaps pertaining to ten potentially promising sectors of the Bangladesh economy. Besides the ten sector studies...

BIDS Critical Conversation 2016

A two-day long conference was held at the BICC on 23 and 24 April, 2016 addressing the “Bangladesh Journey”. This was an opportunity to involve policy makers and a broad spectrum of academics, experts and civil society members in a genuine conversation on the journey so far, the current state of...

BIDS Ranked 16th in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region!

The 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) marks the tenth year of continued efforts by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania to acknowledge the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks worldwide. Every year the rankings...

BIDS Annual Picnic- 2017

BIDS arranged its annual picnic event of 2017 on 4th February for the staffs and their families. The picnic destination was Padma Resort in Louhaganj, a 100 minute drive from Dhaka city and then just a five minute boat ride. The whole day passed with fun and fervor. There were arrangements of a...

BIDS Research Almanac, 2016

BIDS Research Almanac, 2016 was held on 7th and 8th December in Dhaka. This annual research dissemination program was organized with a view to discussing the recent research findings of BIDS Researchers. In the whole span of the two-day event, 11 papers and five posters were presented in five...

Visit by Dr S M Zahedul Islam Chowdhury

Dr S M  Zahedul Islam Chowdhury, Research Fellow, BIDS attended and presented a paper at the 14th Annual SANEI Conference held on 7-8 November, 2016 at Nepa Hall, Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal organized by South Asian Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI).He has presented a paper...

Seminar on "Early Marriage, Social Networks and the Transmission of Norms"

Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriage worldwide and the highest rate of marriage involving girls under 15. Fifty-two percent of girls are married by their 18th birthday and 18% by the age of 15. As well as strongly embedded cultural and religious beliefs, poverty, parents’...

​Vol. 4 Issue 1 June 2016

The Year 2016 began auspiciously, ushering in a period of intense professional activity. A total of five studies were completed in the last six months while quite a few more came on stream. Amongst the concluded studies, we have a review of the role of rice prices in development, summarized in...

Consultation meeting on "Skills and Employment Baseline Assessment of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (ITP)

The consultation meeting on “Skills and Employment Baseline Assessment of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (ITP) in Bangladesh” was held at BIDS conference room on 10th August 2016. Mr. Gagan Rajbhandari the Deputy Director of the ILO Country Office for Bangladesh delivered the welcome speech. He...

Tales from My Professional Life - Nurul Islam

This special publication highlights Professor Nurul Islam’s reminiscences and the critical perspectives provided by three prominent economists of his generation, namely Professors Rehman Sobhan, Keith Griffin and Azizur Rahman Khan. They sketch a fascinating insight into the “initial...

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