BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization

completed Research

Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs: Bangladesh Perspective 2017

This study mainly aimed at exploring the present status of women entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises. The study was initiated with a number of objectives, which mainly mingle around the goal of understanding the sources of success of women entrepreneurs in the SMEs, socio-cultural and...

Uploaded Date : 2019-01-02

Assessing the Current Situation of Solar Home System (SHS) Program of IDCOL and Recommending Action Plan

Starting from 2003, the SHS program of IDCOL has so far ensured supply of solar electricity to about 20 million people i.e. 12% of the country‘s total population. By June 2018, about 4.13 million SHSs have been installed under the program in remote areas, which is a considerable success in terms...

Uploaded Date : 2018-12-02

An Evaluation of Rural Social Service Programme of the Government of Bangladesh

Increased access to financial and social services is an important determinant of economic resilience. Development also requires accomplishment of a number of non-income factors which are not included in a typical microcredit programme. The rural social service programme (RSS), which has been...

Uploaded Date : 2018-11-22

An Evaluation of the Activities of Grihayan Tahobil (Housing Fund)

In FY 1997-98, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) formed Grihayan Tahobil (Housing Fund) with the initial seed money of Tk. 500 million through budget allocation for the purpose of providing low-cost housing to the poor, distressed and homeless people of the society. The...

Uploaded Date : 2018-11-22

Implication of Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest (EGPP) to Reduce Disaster and Gender Vulnerability

Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest (EGPP), which is one of the important safety-net programmes, being implemented by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) with the support of the World Bank through the IDA, aims to provide short-term employment to the hardcore poor in...

Uploaded Date : 2018-11-19

Onion Market of Bangladesh: Role of different Players and Assessing Competitiveness

Accelerating growth, generating employment and reducing poverty and inequality are the predominant goals of the current development paradigm in Bangladesh.  The country has been recorded as a lower middle income country by the World Bank with per capita Gross National Income (GNI) of US$1080...

Uploaded Date : 2018-11-14

Electrification in Rural Bangladesh: An Assessment of Socio-economic Impacts of Subsidized Tariff on Life-line Consumers

Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) is working to ensure universal access to electricity and/or energy by closely working with different energy providers such as Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) and Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB); creating conducive environment...

Uploaded Date : 2018-10-14

Total Factor Productivity in Bangladesh: An Analysis Using Data from 1981-2014

Bangladesh has been experiencing a steady increase in the growth rate of real GDP since independence, accelerating from an average of less than 4% per year during 1972-1990 to 6.5% in 2010-2016. Bangladesh is one of the sixteen countries that have to strive for a journey to get herself out of LDC...

Uploaded Date : 2018-09-24

New Avenues for Export Diversification: A Product Level Analysis of Some Selected Exporting Industries

Export Diversification is a crucial point as Bangladesh received highest positive export growth in the fiscal year 2010-11 and the positive export income growth is still continuing. Whenever there is talk about diversification it may mean diversification of product or destination in the export...

Uploaded Date : 2018-09-23

Adolescent exposure to and attitudes toward violence: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh

Violence is widespread in today’s world and persists amidst high economic growth, widening inequality, rapid urbanization and migration, and technological shifts. Violence occurs in both private and public domains and its news and images are carried prominently by both the old and new media. Low...

Uploaded Date : 2018-09-11

Total: 145 / Current Page: 6 of 15

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