BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Impact Analysis on Development Program for Improving the Living Standard of Hijra Community (IADPILSHC)

Hijra community is a very small portion of the total population of Bangladesh, who are generally neglected, trampled and mistreated in the society. According to a preliminary survey conducted by the Department of Social Services (DSS), the number of Hijras in Bangladesh is around 12,000. They are...

Uploaded Date : 2020-03-12

Agricultural Transformation, Food Security and the Second Green Revolution: Strategic Directions

Over the last 3 decades Bangladesh has largely transformed itself from a chronically food-deficit country to one more or less sufficient in rice, the main staple. While the population of the country has more than doubled, the output of rice has risen from nearly 11-12 mn mt to 34-35 mn mt now i.e.,...

Uploaded Date : 2020-03-10

The Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh: Evidence from Household Survey

In late 2017, a surge of Myanmar nationals fleeing violence in their country entered Bangladesh. This wave of more than 600,000 Rohingyas added to earlier inflows, so that by early 2018 there were an estimated 800,000 to 1 million forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals (FDMN) residing in Cox’s...

Uploaded Date : 2020-03-04

Evaluation of National Service Program (2nd, 3rd and 4th phase) of Department of Youth Development

Youth refers to a time of life that is neither childhood nor adulthood, but rather somewhere in-between. It is transitional period between childhood and adulthood that starts from onset of puberty. The most significant characteristic is the transition from childhood and dependence, to adulthood and...

Uploaded Date : 2020-01-29

Baseline Satisfaction Survey of College Education Development Project (CEDP)

College Education Development Project (CEDP) aims to improve the teaching and learning environment of National University (NU) affiliated tertiary colleges in Bangladesh. CEDP comprises of three components: (1) strengthening strategic planning and management capacity; (2) improving teaching and...

Uploaded Date : 2019-12-23

Assessment of the Social Action Projects of "Platforms for Dialogue (P4D)" Programme of the British Council in Bangladesh

The British Council in Bangladesh is implementing a three-year programme titled “Platforms for Dialogue (P4D): Strengthening Inclusion and Participation in Decision Making and Accountability Mechanism in Bangladesh” in partnership with the Cabinet Division of the Government of Bangladesh funded...

Uploaded Date : 2019-11-24

Impact Assessment of SME Foundation's Activities

Realizing the potential role of SMEs to enhance growth and poverty alleviation in the country, in 2007 the SME foundation was formed with a vision of becoming the one-window service delivery center for all small and medium enterprise. Since then the Foundation is working as a facilitator for...

Uploaded Date : 2019-10-29

Assess the Monitoring, Evaluation Procedure of BCCT and the Impact Assessment of CCTF Projects

The Government of Bangladesh has initiated a number of nationally and internationally acclaimed programmes to address climate vulnerabilities, one of which is the creation of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) to provide administrative and organizational support for overall management of the...

Uploaded Date : 2019-10-15

Why do bangladeshi cattle yield high positive returns? (IRLRB)

This study extends the recent debate on the rate of return of cattle rearing in India, triggered by Anagol et al (2017), Gehrke and Grimm (2018) and others, to the Bangladesh context and finds that the apparent paradox of widespread cattle rearing despite negative return in India absent. We use a...

Uploaded Date : 2019-09-04

Stylized Facts of the Statistical Properties of Risk and Return of the Dhaka Stock Exchange: 1991-2015

While the role of financial market, particularly the stock market, in promoting economic growth through efficient allocation of capital is well recognized, the investors of the developing economies have little knowledge about the return and risk of the markets they operate in. Even in the...

Uploaded Date : 2019-07-07

Total: 169 / Current Page: 6 of 17

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