BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization


An evaluation of bscic industrial estates

The evaluation of BSCIC estates covers various aspects of an estate that needs to be considered, such as plot allocation and utilization, occupancy rate, estate turnover ratio, estate management, estate revenue generation, firm performance etc. A total of 10389 plots was developed in 74 estates,...

Uploaded Date : 2019-05-29

Comprehensive Nationally Representative Panel Data Generation

In contrast to the existing studies, the present study will draw upon the largest nationally representative panel dataset available so far for rural Bangladesh. It will build upon a panel dataset that already exists, with a sample of 6300 households drawn from 180 villages from all over Bangladesh....

Uploaded Date : 2019-04-10

An Analysis of the Link between Education and the First Demographic Dividend of Bangladesh

The demographic dividend results from the increasing share of working age population to total population. This phenomenon is referred to as the “First Demographic Dividend.” The same window of opportunity is assumed to be closed after a few decades, with the introduction of a “second”...

Uploaded Date : 2019-03-28

South-South Ideas: Report on the Potential for Monitoring and Evaluation of Special Economic Zones in Bangladesh (2019)

This research report is the result of a scoping visit to Bangladesh in August 2018 within the context of the early stage of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) programme for special economic zones (SEZs) of the Institute of New Structural Economics (INSE) at Peking University, China. It is the...

Uploaded Date : 2019-03-28

Impact Assessment of South Asia WASH Results Programme (SAWRP): 2014-2018

The South Asia WASH Results Programme (SAWRP) refers to the work undertaken by the consortium in delivering improvements in access to and use of WASH facilities. SAWRP has been working to improve water, sanitation and hygiene outcomes in Bangladesh since 2014. The objective was to promote and...

Uploaded Date : 2019-03-28

Gender Differentiated Impacts of Kerosene Subsidy Reform in Bangladesh

The report examines from a gender perspective the impact of subsidies and reform to kerosene in Bangladesh. The research was based around two overall research questions: “How do existing kerosene or LPG subsidy policies affect the welfare, productivity and empowerment of women and girls in...

Uploaded Date : 2019-03-21

Lessons from Development Interventions: Rigorous Impact Evaluation of Selected Development Interventions in Key Areas (e.g. Nutrition, Health, Education, etc.)

Running Head: Evaluation of the School Feeding Program (SFP) in BangladeshAlmost every country in the world has a national School Feeding Program (SFP). It reaches around 368 million children annually and 18(49) percent children in low income (upper-middle income) countries receive some sort of SF....

Uploaded Date : 2019-03-11

Food Insecurity, Extreme Poverty, and Underemployment in Marginal/Backward Areas

Policymakers define backward areas for different administrative reasons, such as geographic allocation safety net benefits, etc. Generally, backward areas cover 3 distinct types: (i) haors, baors, beels, (ii) chars and coastal area, and (iii) hilly areas of the country. These areas are backward on...

Uploaded Date : 2019-02-18

Crop Diversification for Dietary Diversity and Nutrients Intake: Evidence from Bangladeshi Farm Households

Using two rounds of nationally representative Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS- 2011-12, 2015) data and a panel data model, we aim to explore the linkages, if any, among household crop diversification, household dietary diversity and per capita nutrients intake of households. Over the...

Uploaded Date : 2019-02-17

Demand-driven Policy Studies- Responding to Policy Makers and Stakeholders Requests for Urgent Policy Analysis

While policy research is widely debated, there is no capacity for researchers to systematically generate research for policy makers that might be useful to them. It is no longer enough to conduct “policy-oriented” research but purposefully engage in “policy research” on the basis of a...

Uploaded Date : 2019-02-17

Total: 169 / Current Page: 7 of 17

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