BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization

completed Research

Labor Market Study for Skills (LMS- SEIP) – Ten Sectors under Component-3

The agro-processing industry is an important part in the manufacturing sector of Bangladesh. It works as a bridge between agriculture and the industrial process leading to the development of the country. While in terms of contribution to GDP, Bangladesh may no longer be called as an agrarian...

Uploaded Date : 2022-12-22

Skill Gap, Skill Shortage, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Hospitality and Tourism Sector in Bangladesh

The hospitality and tourism sector (HTS) is one of the 15 major sectors that are used to estimate the GDP of the country. This study attempts to analyze the HTS of Bangladesh from the following perspectives: (i) the structure and contribution of HTS under the current levels and nature of skills...

Uploaded Date : 2022-11-27

Needs Assessment of Anondomela Women Entrepreneurs

The cottage, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (CMSMEs) significantly generate employment, reduce poverty, and contribute to the economy. Internet technology has also become an essential tool in recent years as e-commerce allows entrepreneurs to quickly communicate with their customers and...

Uploaded Date : 2022-09-13

E-Commerce Opportunities through Smartphones and Women's Entrepreneurship and Empowerment

The cottage, small and medium enterprises play a vital role in economic development, including production, employment generation, and equitable income distribution. For example, these enterprises offer more than 50% of total global employment and about 90% of the businesses worldwide. Moreover,...

Uploaded Date : 2022-09-13

Creating a political and social climate for climate change adaptation – AMENDMENT #3 (CPSCCCA3)

Climate change impacts will be unavoidable in the coming decades leading to increased frequency and severity of floods, drought and extreme weather events particularly in the developing world. According to the recent IPCC report 2022 on climate adaptation; hundreds of millions of people in...

Uploaded Date : 2022-09-04

End-line Survey of Strengthening Women's Ability for Productive New Opportunities (SWAPNO) 3rd Cycle.

The main objective of the present study is to assess the impact of the project SWAPNO 3rd cycle on beneficiaries’ wellbeing, including income, expenditure and asset accumulation through rigorous methods of project evaluation. The other likely effects of the project on employment, health status,...

Uploaded Date : 2022-08-08

Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Barriers in lower-middle income countries: national stakeholder views on challenges, barriers, and potential solutions

The development of COVID-19 vaccines does not imply the end of the global pandemic as now countries have to purchase enough COVID-19 vaccine doses and work towards their successful rollout. Vaccination across the world has progressed slowly in all, but a few highincome countries (HICs) as...

Uploaded Date : 2022-07-04

Creating a political and social climate for climate change adaptation (CPSCCCA)

We present unique survey data on the migration predictions of 400 households in two extremely climate exposed unions of coastal Bangladesh. We have four main findings. First, despite having prospects no better than many low-lying pacific islands, few households in our two locations expect to...

Uploaded Date : 2022-06-19

Study on Digital Microfinance in Bangladesh (SDMB)

n Bangladesh, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which constitute 99.97% of all industries and absorb 86% of the labor force, have huge potential for employment creation and income generation (Asian Development Bank 2021). MSMEs contribute 25% to the country’s gross domestic...

Uploaded Date : 2022-06-19

Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Industry in Bangladesh: Analysis of Current Situation and Suggested Strategies for the Future

The Hospitality and Tourism Sector (HTS) is one of the 15 major sectors that are used to estimate the GDP of the country. The COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on the economic activities that cater to non-essential demands such as the HTS. This study analyzes the current status of the HTS and...

Uploaded Date : 2022-05-12

Total: 145 / Current Page: 2 of 15

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