BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Distribution of Rent in the Inland Fisheries of Bangladesh

Kazi Ali Toufique



This paper estimates rent in the inland fisheries of Bangladesh by identifying three important determinants of its distribution: the access rights of the fishers to fishing grounds of differential quality, the differentiation among the fishers in terms of ownership of fishing assets and the nature of contractual structure. Fishing grounds have been classified as those that are rich in quality and those that are poor and the fishers have been classified as those who own fishing assets and as those who do not. We present three major findings. First, the fishers as a whole received a large amount of rent. Second, access rights of the fishers to the type of water body and the degree of ownership of fishing assets are important determinants of the amount of rent they receive. Third, the distribution of rent was found more egalitarian in the richer water bodies.

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