Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Print Media
Electronic Media
Catastrophic Health Shocks and Impoverishment in Bangladesh: Insights from HIES 2022
Leading Issues in Agricultural Development in Bangladesh
র্যাপিড-এর আলোচনা সভায় ড. বিনায়ক সেন: খাদ্য মূল্যস্ফীতি কেন বাড়ছে, তার সদুত্তর পাওয়া দরকার
অভিমত: বাজেট যৌক্তিক ও বাস্তবোচিত
National Budget for 2024-2025 and the Medium-Term Outlook on the Bangladesh Economy
Comparing Apples to Apples: Rebuilding 2010-2022 Poverty and Inequality Trends in Bangladesh via Statistical Matching
The Political Economy of Agrarian Futures in Bangladesh
Bangladesh's Future Development Agenda for Reform
Stabilizing the Macroeconomy of Bangladesh
Unpacking the Economic Manifesto of the Awami League: Trends and Challenges for Tomorrow's Bangladesh
Changing Horizon of Economic Analysis: A Path for Knowledge Economy
Dhaka Winter Conference in Economics 2023
Formation of Socio-Emotional Skills and their Effects on Educational Attainment
Ten Tasks for Future Bangladesh – আগামী বাংলাদেশের দশ করণীয়
একাত্তরের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ: স্মৃতিতে ও ইতিহাসে — 1971 War of Liberation: Memory and History
Annual BIDS Conference on Development (ABCD) 2023
BIDS and Bonik Barta Extend Honors to Two Esteemed Economists
Amartya Sen: The Lion Who Defies Winter
Competitive Procurement with Ex Post Moral Hazard
Tariff Protection and Export Diversification are Not Mutually Exclusive: The Bangladesh Phenomenon
Who Are We: Religious Pluralism and Cultural Diversity of Bengal?
Mobile Phone: Skill, Communication & Sociation
Bangabandhuke Kache Theke Dekha: Remembrance by His Contemporaries Part III
Four Key Challenges for the National Budget 2023-24: Some Reflections
The Past, Present, and Future of Pandemics: A Retrospective on COVID-19
Prof. Nurul Islam: Perspectives from Different Generations
Bangladesh Development Story: Role of Service and Manufacturing Sectors in Driving Diversification and Inclusive Growth
BIDS Research ALMANAC 2023
Debt and Development: Where is Bangladesh Headed?
ভাষা আন্দোলন থেকে মুক্তিযুদ্ধ: পূর্ববঙ্গে মধ্যবিত্তের বিকাশ (Language Movement to Liberation War: The Progress of Middle Class in East Bengal):
Asia's Journey to Prosperity: Policy, Market, and Technology over 50 Years
Rediscovering our Common Wealth: A philosophical argument about the case for the precautionary principle in relation to climate change with an inter-generational discounting theme
Nudged into lockdown? Behavioural Economics, Uncertainty and Covid-19
What do we learn about household food demand patterns and elasticities from micro-data in Bangladesh?
Socio-Economic Impacts and Policy Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Lessons for the Future
Aspirational Momentum: The Development Story of Bangladesh
Massive Boom of C-Section Delivery in Bangladesh: A Household Level Analysis (2004-2018)
Agrarian Transition or Rural Transformation? Factors and Trends of Change in Village Bangladesh
Dissemination Workshop on the Research Findings of the Labor Market Studies for SEIP
Power, Governance, and Feasible Anti-Corruption Strategies.
Bangabandhuke Kache Theke Dekha Part II: Remembrance by His Contemporaries
Disappearance of the Bengali Family Farm
Bangladesher Orthanaitik Unnayaner Gatidhara
Exports and Gender Gap in Manufacturing Employment
Economic Preferences across Generations and Family Clusters: A Large-Scale Experiment in a Developing Country
The new determinants of household disaster preparedness behaviour and Policy efficacy on bangladeshi households
When am I Richer than You? A Methodological Perspective on the Constant Dollar Per-Capita Income Comparison
The Public Lecture of Professor A. Mushfiq Mobarak
Skills that Empower Adolescent Girls: Some Evidence from an Intervention Research Study
Tackling Calcium Deficiency in the Diet: Learning from the People
Water Development in Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future
Getting Urbanization Right in Bangladesh
Dr. S.M. Zahedul Islam Chowdhury was interviewed by ICE Business Times
Mr. Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury, the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh delivered his lecture on "Schematic View of Bangladesh Constitution".
Annual BIDS Conference on Development (ABCD) on the occasion of 50 years of Bangladesh
BIDS Critical Conversations 2021: "Normalizing Masks: Health and Economic Implications"
BIDS Critical Conversations 2021
BIDS among top 100 think tanks in the world!
Some articles by Dr. Monzur Hossain
BIDS Webinar- Critical Conversations 2020
Skill gap and training inadequacy
Economic growth needs to be more closely linked to the rural economy: KAS Murshid
Overall stance remains pro-growth
অগ্রগামিতায় বেসরকারি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের গ্র্যাজুয়েটরা
BIDS Critical Conversations, 2019
An article by Dr. S M Zahedul Islam Chowdhury
An article by Dr. S M Zahedul Islam Chowdhury
উন্নয়নশীল দেশের শিল্পশ্রমিকদের মজুরি উৎপাদন ক্ষমতার অর্ধেকেরও কম
Bangladesh has already started to dictate the donor agencies, as the country is building the Padma Bridge with its own fund by saying 'thank you' to the World Bank, that's a tremendous signal
LDC graduation: Improving economic competitiveness
LDC graduation: Bangladesh makes good progress
টেকসই উন্নয়নে বাংলাদেশের সামনে ৪ চ্যালেঞ্জ
BIDS ALMANAC 2017 news published in Media
মিনিকেট চালে খাদ্যমান নষ্ট হয়ে যায়
মোটা চাল ছেঁটে মিনিকেট
Capacity building essential to meet skill gap: Study report
প্রয়োজন ৬৫ লাখ দক্ষ শ্রমশক্তি
Skills dearth to dent development: study
Skilled manpower dearth challenges 7th Five-Year Plan
৯০ শতাংশ শ্রমিকের প্রশিক্ষণ নেই
তৈরি পোশাকসহ নয় খাতে দক্ষ কর্মীর সংকট
Capacity building essential to meet skill gap
মুদ্রানীতির ওপর একটি পর্যালোচনা -- ড. মনজুর হোসেন
An article by Dr. Monzur Hossain at Bonik Barta date 05-10-2016
Investment suffers mainly due to low business confidence- Dr KAS Murshid, DG of BIDS
"কৃষিতে আরেকটি বিপ্লব প্রয়োজন" - ড. কেএএস মুরশিদ
এডিপি বাস্তবায়নের ধীরগতি থেকে পরিত্রাণের উপায় article at Bonik Barta by Dr. Monzur Hossain
২৫ থেকে ৫০ কত দূর? article at Prothom Alo by Dr. Abul Basher
অর্থনীতির সালতামামি এবং ২০১৫ সালের ভাবনা
Article at the Bonik Barta by Dr. Abul Basher
Article by Dr. Monzur Hossain at the Bonik Barta
সপ্তম পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনার অর্থায়ন প্রসঙ্গে
আইটি খাতের সম্ভাবনা এবং ওয়ান বাংলাদেশ ভিশন
শুধু মুদ্রানীতি দিয়ে মূল্যস্ফীতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা যাবে না
A recent column by Dr. Abul Basher at the Daily Star.
Article by Dr. Abul Basher at Bonik Barta Today.
An article by Dr. Kazi Iqbal was published in the journal "Climate Change Economics"
A column by Dr. Abul Basher
A recent column by Dr. Abul Basher at the
Dr. Abul Basher was a guest speaker in the lecture series of North South University, which was later covered by the Financial Express
A recent column by Dr. Monzur Hossain at the
An article on exchange rate management written by Dr. Monzur Hossain at the Bonik Barta
Dr. Rushidan Islam Rahman, Research Director, BIDS was interviewed by Prothom Alo.
BIDS Research Almanac 2014-15 in Media:
Dr. S.M. Zahedul Islam Chowdhury was interviewed by China Radio International
An article on Potentials of Ctg must not be overlooked written by Dr.Nazneen Ahmed at the Financial Express
An article on Exchange rate management options for Bangladesh written by Dr. Monzur Hossain at the Financial Express
An article on Govt support needed for agri market dev written by Dr.Nazneen Ahmed at the Financial Express
হোল্ডিং ট্যাক্সের ৯১% অনাদায়ী
নতুন ধারণাই আগামী দিনে বিশ্ব চালাবে—কৌশিক বসু
WB's chief economist praises civil society
সংবর্ধনা ও উদ্যোক্তা সম্মাননা ২০১৫
সংবর্ধিত সাবেক দুই গভর্নর
A recent column by Dr. K. A. S. Murshid at the prothom-alo
Focus on publishing Mahabub Hossain's collected works
The role of economists in policy-making Strengthening research culture
উচ্চ প্রবৃদ্ধি অর্জনে বাংলাদেশ কতটুকু প্রস্তুত?
Bangladesh bank gets 2 new directors
BIDS Critical Conversations, 2016
Enhancing cooperation among BCIM Forum countries
বিশেষ সাক্ষাৎকার | এত বিভক্তি ভালো নয় : কে এ এস মুরশিদ
Article at Prothom Alo by Dr. Abul Basher
Article at Bonik Barta by Dr. Monzur Hossain
Catastrophic Health Shocks and Impoverishment in Bangladesh: Insights from HIES 2022
Leading Issues in Agricultural Development in Bangladesh
Interview of Dr. Monzur Hossain with Financial Express on Budget 2024-25
Interview of Dr. Monzur Hossain with Ekattor TV on Budget 2024-25
Interview of Dr. Binayak Sen with Channel 24 on Budget 2024-25
National Budget for 2024-2025 and the Medium-Term Outlook on the Bangladesh Economy
The Political Economy of Agrarian Futures in Bangladesh
Bangladesh's Future Development Agenda for Reform
Stabilizing the Macroeconomy of Bangladesh
Unpacking the Economic Manifesto of the Awami League: Trends and Challenges for Tomorrow's Bangladesh
Changing Horizon of Economic Analysis: A Path for Knowledge Economy
Annual BIDS Conference on Development (ABCD) 2023
Amartya Sen: The Lion Who Defies Winter
Tariff Protection and Export Diversification are Not Mutually Exclusive: The Bangladesh Phenomenon
Who Are We: Religious Pluralism and Cultural Diversity of Bengal?
Bangabandhuke Kache Theke Dekha: Remembrance by His Contemporaries Part III
Four Key Challenges for the National Budget 2023-24: Some Reflections
BIDS Research ALMANAC 2023
Dissemination Workshop on the Research Findings of the Labor Market Studies for SEIP
Bangabandhuke Kache Theke Dekha Part II: Remembrance by His Contemporaries
Disappearance of the Bengali Family Farm
The Public Lecture of Professor A. Mushfiq Mobarak
Tackling Calcium Deficiency in the Diet: Learning from the People
Getting Urbanization Right in Bangladesh
Mr. Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury, the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh delivered his lecture on "Schematic View of Bangladesh Constitution".
Annual BIDS Conference on Development (ABCD) on the occasion of 50 years of Bangladesh
BIDS Critical Conversations 2021: "Normalizing Masks: Health and Economic Implications"
BIDS Critical Conversation 2021
Interview of Dr. Monzur Hossain with 71 TV
Interview of Dr. Mohammad Harunur Rashid Bhuyan with CHANNEL 24
Interview of Dr. Nazneen Ahmed with Munni Sata Presents Power Talk - বিষয়: উদ্যোক্তা ছোট, দাম বড় - October 07, 2016
Interview of Dr. Nazneen Ahmed with Shehaz Sindhu on the International Womens Day Special on 01-11-2015
Interview of Dr. Nazneen Ahmed with Munni Saha Presents News Hour Xtra - সব বাধা পেরিয়ে on 10-09-2016.
Interview of Dr. Nazneen Ahmed with Sompadokio of Somoy TV on the TIB report of 2016 on 27-1-2016.
Interview of Dr. Nazneen Ahmed with Somoy TV on Budget date 02-06-2016
Interview of KAS Murshid with ETV Date 28-01-2016
Interview of Dr. Monzur Hossain with Ekushey TV date 24-07-2016
Interview of Dr. Nazneen Ahmed with Independent TV on Budget date 07.06.2015
Interview of Dr. Monzur Hossain with Independent TV on ADP Implementation date 11.07.2016
Interview of Dr. Monzur Hossain with Ekushey TV on Padma Bridge Project , date 20.12.2015
Interview of K.A.S Murshid with Jamuna TV
BIDS Critical Conversations, 2016 [April 23-24]