BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Premier multi-disciplinary autonomous public research organization


​Drivers of Agricultural Growth in Bangladesh (DAGB)

This study aims to conduct research on the key drivers of change in global, regional, and national food, land, and water systems, considering various factors such as technology, demographics, climate change, investments, and policy reforms. The study involves two main components.1) Agri-Food System...

Uploaded Date : 2023-08-29

Impact of the Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II)

Transport infrastructure investment is crucial for inclusive economic growth. As transport is a significant factor in determining success, improved and reliable passenger and freight services assist households’ mobility, enterprises' business growth, community and market access, and...

Uploaded Date : 2023-08-27

Mid-term satisfaction survey of college education development project

Improving skills and productivity are critical for Bangladesh to accelerate economic growth and hence, become a middle-income country. However, the current levels of skill of the existing labor force are unlikely to meet future market demands. Although there is plenty of low-skilled workers, there...

Uploaded Date : 2023-07-19

Study on Enhancing Industrial Production in the Context of LDC Graduation

Bangladesh is scheduled to graduate from the group of least developed countries (LDCs) on November 24, 2026, around 50 years after it originally joined this cohort of developing nations in December 1975, according to the resolution of the UN General Assembly convened in November 2021. The WTO-MC12,...

Uploaded Date : 2023-07-11

​A Study on Climate Change and Gender in Bangladesh

Bangladesh experienced rapid social and economic progress in recent decades, reaching lower-middle-income status in 2015. Economic growth has been accompanied by improvements in human development outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruptions to economic activity and exports in 2020....

Uploaded Date : 2023-05-28

Feasibility study for new projects of DYD

The labour market for the youth had drawn immense interest among the policy makers in recent years. This was mainly because of the growing cross-country literature towards the contribution of human capital dividends on economic growth. Interestingly, the nexus among human capital...

Uploaded Date : 2023-03-21

Energy Sector Reforms in Bangladesh: Pricing and Subsidization

The current energy crisis started well before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The pent-up demand surged as the world emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic - China ran short of coal and the coal prices shot up. The global market for liquefied natural gas (LNG) then also tightened, with prices...

Uploaded Date : 2023-01-16

Labor Market Study for Skills (LMS- SEIP) – Core Team & Components 1,2,4,5

Furniture is a rising industry in Bangladesh, as domestic and foreign demand has increased in recent decades as a result of official and corporate use of furniture. Furthermore, domestic consumers' purchasing power has expanded as a result of economic expansion. The rapid growth of this...

Uploaded Date : 2022-12-22

Labor Market Study for Skills (LMS- SEIP) – Ten Sectors under Component-3

The agro-processing industry is an important part in the manufacturing sector of Bangladesh. It works as a bridge between agriculture and the industrial process leading to the development of the country. While in terms of contribution to GDP, Bangladesh may no longer be called as an agrarian...

Uploaded Date : 2022-12-22

Skill Gap, Skill Shortage, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Hospitality and Tourism Sector in Bangladesh

The hospitality and tourism sector (HTS) is one of the 15 major sectors that are used to estimate the GDP of the country. This study attempts to analyze the HTS of Bangladesh from the following perspectives: (i) the structure and contribution of HTS under the current levels and nature of skills...

Uploaded Date : 2022-11-27

Total: 169 / Current Page: 2 of 17

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